IIOJK: Nayeem Ahmed Khan deplores world’s indifferent attitude towards Kashmiris’ sufferings

Illegally detained senior leader of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Nayeem Ahmed Khan, has deplored the indifferent attitude of the international community towards the sufferings of the oppressed people of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Nayeem Ahmed Khan in a message from New Delhi’s infamous Tihar Jail said the people of IIOJK have been facing the worst Indian state terrorism for the last over seven decades but the world has been watching as a mute spectator.

He pointed out that the criminal silence maintained by the United Nations and world human rights organizations on the grim situation of IIOJK had emboldened India to continue with its brutalities on the Kashmiris.

Nayeem Khan called for implementation of the UN resolutions to settle the Kashmir dispute without any further delay to save the Kashmiri people from the Indian wrath.

Kashmiri Hurriyat leader, Yasin Malik, is on a hunger strike in Tihar Jail against the denial of justice and fair trial to him by the Indian kangaroo courts. Yasin Malik, who was sentenced to life imprisonment by an Indian court on May 25, this year, in false cases registered against him, started his hunger strike on Friday morning.

Source: Radio Pakistan