NAP Apex Committee vows to address all security threats in befitting manner

Apex Committee of the National Action Plan has vowed to deal possible challenges regarding security situation and ensure implementation of constitution and law as per expectations of the people.

The Committee was chaired by Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul- Haq Kakar in Islamabad on Tuesday.

Chief of Army Staff, concerned federal ministers, provincial chief ministers and heads of all civil and military agencies were present in the meeting.

The participants made a comprehensive assessment of the country's internal security situation so that possible challenges can be dealt within a sustainable manner.

The participants of the meeting resolved that despite all difficulties writ of the state will be ensured.

Apex Committee made decisions include, withdrawal of illegal foreign nationals residing in Pakistan, the formalization of border movement procedures in which movement across the border will be permitted only on passports and visas and action against illegal immigration, crack down on trade and property of illegal foreigners.

Meanwhile, a task force has been formed under the Federal Ministry of Home Affairs to investigate fake identity cards, businesses and properties to deal with illegal identity cards and properties.

The Forum reiterated the need to further enhance and strengthen ongoing operations against growing illegal activities including drug trafficking, hoarding, food and currency smuggling, illegal remittances and power theft.

The Apex Committee highlighted that the use of force is sole jurisdiction of the state and no person or group will be allowed to use coercive force.

The Committee made it clear that there is absolutely no place for any political armed group or organization in the country and those involved in such activities will be dealt with iron hands.

It was also highlighted that Islam is a religion of peace and the state will not allow anyone to achieve political goals by interpreting the religion in their own way.

The Committee said that state will protect the rights of minorities given to them by Islam and constitution.

The forum emphasized that those who campaign for propaganda and disinformation should be dealt with strictly under cyber laws.

The Apex Committee reiterated its determination that the principles of faith, unity and discipline will be followed in true sense and tireless efforts will be continued for development of the country.

Source: Radio Pakistan