President stresses on unity for country’s stability, development

President Dr Arif Alvi says the parliament, judiciary, government and business community need to work in tandem to bring about political, economic and financial stability in the country.

He was talking to the Presidents of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, including representatives of women’s chambers of commerce, from across the country in Islamabad today.

The President said all those voices, predicting derailment of political and democratic process should be discouraged.

He also emphasized on shifting of business and industrial processes to green energy like solar and wind to reduce the import bill and protect the environment.

Dr Arif Alvi asked the women’s chambers of commerce to provide leadership to women entrepreneurs and start-ups and help them in securing loans.

During the meeting, the representatives of the business community shared their concerns regarding the economic situation of the country and suggested solutions to overcome the financial issues.

Source: Radio Pakistan