Protest demonstrations, rallies continuing in different parts of AJK

Protest demonstrations and rallies are continuing in different parts of AJK today against the G20 summit sessions in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir on the call of AJK Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwarul Haq.

In the state capital Muzaffarabad, a protest demonstration followed by a rally was taken out by the AJK Liberation Commission at Shaheed Burhan Wani Chowk.

Ex-Prime Minister AJK Raja Farooq Haider, Opposition leader in the AJK Legislative Assembly Ch Latif Akbar, and senior minister Col (R) Wiqar Ahmad Noor led the rally.

The participants raised placards and banners condemning the Modi regime’s nefarious designs to hold the meetings of G-20 countries in Srinagar and Leh.

The participants chanted anti-Indian and pro-freedom slogans.

On this occasion, the speakers demanded of the G-20 member countries to boycott the summit in the disputed state and stand with oppressed Kashmiris who continue to suffer Indian atrocities.

They said that India is trying to use the conference to advance its self-serving agenda and mislead the world about the ground realities in the disputed territory.

The speakers strongly condemned gross human rights violations in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir and appealed to international community to play its due role and stop human abuses there.

Source: Radio Pakistan