Senate condemns distressing acts of vandalism on 9th May

The Senate passed a resolution strongly condemning the shocking, brazen, shameless and distressing acts of arson and vandalism that unfolded on the 9th May.

The resolution separately moved by Minister of State for Law Shahadat Awan and Senator Kauda Babar deplored the attacks on Jinnah House, Lahore, monuments of martyrs and national heroes, buildings and installations of military installations and Radio Pakistan, Peshawar.

Expressing deep dismay over the violent acts, the house demanded that the culprits, planners, facilitators and instigators be brought to justice under the law.

The resolution paid glowing tributes to the armed forces for their services in safeguarding the motherland from all internal and external threats. Expressing solidarity with the families of the martyrs, the house resolved to hold their services for the motherland in high esteem in all times to come.

The Senate has started discussion on the Finance Bill 2023-24.

Commencing the debate, Leader of Opposition Shahzad Waseem said the Budget 2023-24 is only a jugglery of words saying it has nothing to do with setting the direction of the economy right.

Highlighting the challenges faced by the country on the economic front, he said we will have to introduce genuine reforms ,cut our expenditures and set our priorities right to steer the country out of difficult economic situation. He said that since this is an election year, ninety billion rupees have been allocated for the parliamentarians in the name of sustainable development goals.

Law Minister Azam Nazeer Tarar said the budget envisages relief measures for all segments of the society including salaried class, labourers, youth and the farmers. He said revolutionary measures have been proposed in the budget for the uplift of agriculture and IT sectors. He said regardless of the difficult economic situation, the government has tried to present a balanced budget.

He said the present government inherited a difficult situation but we are committed to the welfare of the people. He said we will continue the journey towards bringing improvement in the economy.

Participating in the debate, Senator Manzoor Ahmad suggested to enhance the budget of education and health sectors saying it is the only way through which the country can achieve prosperity. He was appreciative of the allocation of ten billion rupees in the budget for the PM Youth Programme.

In his remarks, Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo said the budget carries nothing for the development of Balochistan.

Senator Waleed Iqbal said the present government is responsible for the low growth recorded for the outgoing fiscal year. He said no courageous step has been taken in the budget to put the economy on the right track.

Dr Asif Kirmani said Pakistan will not default and the country will move forward under the present coalition government. He asked the PTI to seek apology from the nation over May 9 violent acts.

Dr Sania Nishtar said one hundred million people are living below the poverty line besides the country is witnessing brain drain because of lack of job opportunities. She said we all will have to sit together to address this serious situation.

The House will now meet again tomorrow at 3:00 pm.

Source: Radio Pakistan