Traffic Fines Massively Increased in Islamabad

The Ministry of Interior has issued a notification, announcing an increase in traffic violation fines in Islamabad. The move, which now also targets cyclists, is part of a broader initiative to ensure road safety and strict adherence to traffic regulations.

According to the official notification, fines will now range from Rs. 500 to Rs. 8,000, depending on the severity of the violation. Cyclists, often overlooked in previous regulations, will now face a Rs. 500 fine if they violate traffic signals.

The government has decided to raise traffic penalties after issuing an official notification that emphasizes the need to enforce traffic laws for the safety of all road users.

“This initiative is critical in our ongoing efforts to reduce accidents and promote responsible driving,” a Ministry spokesperson remarked.

Signal violations will cost Rs 2,000. Motorcycles will be fined Rs. 1,000 for one-way violations and underage driving, while cars face charges up to Rs. 2,000 for similar offenses and HTVs up to Rs. 8,000, the notification states.

Tinted glasses, reckless driving, and driving without a license have respective fines of Rs. 1,500, Rs. 2,000, and up to Rs. 8,000 based on the vehicle type. Mobile phone use while driving will result in fines ranging from Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 8,000. Unregistered vehicles, illegal parking, and wrong-way driving also carry penalties.

Here is the document showing all of the revised fines in the federal capital:

Source: Pro Pakistani